In honor of March 14th, I bring you this unique and rare Mazda3 sedan, the not-often-seen Mazda3.141592653589793238462643383, or Mazda Pi for short.
I think the license plate makes it.
HT - Jalopnik
In honor of March 14th, I bring you this unique and rare Mazda3 sedan, the not-often-seen Mazda3.141592653589793238462643383, or Mazda Pi for short.
I think the license plate makes it.
HT - Jalopnik
Posted by salguod on Friday, March 14, 2008 at 1:04 PM | 0 TrackBacks
Filed in Cars and Driving, Goofiness
A geek with a sense of humor. That's just too funny....
A geek with a sense of humor. That's just too funny.