From Dave Barry again. Check out the image at the right from this site. George Vlosich III takes 50-70 hours on each etch and then some how (I couldn't find out how from the site) makes them permanent. Then he can sell them for $5,000 - $8,000 dollars!
I can barely draw stairs on an Etch-A-Sketch.
From my recollection of the physics of etch-a-sketch, all you would have to do to make them permanent is take the back off and shake out all the pixie dust. Remember--to erase them you would invert and shake the dust all over the viewing surface? Great toy. Better than a Gameboy, for sure.
Hey, is up on MT. Check it out!
Thnks for the insight on thw inner workings of the Etch-A-Sketch. That certainly sounds reasonable.
I updated your link on the right.
Thanks for updating my link. I fixed the trackback ping issue. Even though I had it enabled in the preferences, there was a little checkbox on the edit entry window that I hadn't selected. I enabled pings on the last several entries. Ping away!