A few days ago, Pinakidion posted a laments about what he calls the move toward a 'Kinder Gentler ICOC'. In other words, essentially the same as we've always been, but with all the rough edges sanded off. We'll take away the compulsory discipling, the stat sheets, the forced giving levels, the levels of staffing above the individual church level, but we'll leave the same basic ideas - evangelism and growth focused, performance mindset, everyone 'sold out' - in place. He points to a few articles and studies that are getting at real reform as better models.
Sunday our minister articuated much the same idea with different words. He pointed out that when we are confronted with rotten fruit of sin in our lives, the temptation is to react by frantically yanking the rotten fruit off of the tree. Simply pulling the rotten fruit off may make us look better, but it does nothing to produce good fruit. The tree is cleaned up, but remains the same at the root. Instead, we should go to the root of the tree, to feed it, strengthen it and heal it so it would produce good fruit.
One thing to do might be to consider what worshipis all about. Get back to the fundamentals so to speak.
You might as well join the 'real' CoC! Just kidding! It sounds like there's a lot of healing going on, and I'm so glad for that.