Looks different, Eh? MT 3.2 has a nifty little plug in built into it that lets you reset all the templates back to the default. So this is what MT 3.2 looks like out of the box. Not too bad.
Of course, you'll also notice that the recent comments are gone. The calender is gone (and likely to stay gone). The Blogroll is gone. The Scripturizer auto-linking is gone. The subscription form is gone. The real time preview is gone. The formatting buttons are gone. Heck, the entire left side column is gone!
So I've got a little bit of work to do to put some stuff back. :-) But it's a nice, clean look, don't you think?
More changes later.
Ta Daa!! Now the fun begins in finding all those plugins you like.
Hmm, I know that the theme chooser plugin is around here somewhere...
Well, I'm getting there. The left collumn is back, with the blogroll.
I'm trying to figure out how to make it wider. I'm going to stick with the fixed width, but wider. This MT 3.2 CSS is a killer - 1024 lines. Sheesh.
Clean and fresh, with whitening!
but no more notifications? :(
I got the notification of this post through Notifier, you didn't? I know that it was broken initially, so you may have missed one, but I thought it was fixed.
Unfortunately, the new version of Notifier does not have the ability to look at the notifcations databse without going through MySQL. That's not only harder, but I'm not sure I know how. :-P
I'll figure it out.