[Note: This looks pathetic, but I don't know why. Anybody know why this table that was a nice neat 2 row 2 column table by itself is so screwy here? Phoey.]
[Note 2: Nevermind, I figured it out. It was Moveable Type converting my line breaks to [/br] tags.]
Mom reads my blog occasionally and she might find this troubling:
You are a ...
Social Liberal
(70% permissive)
and an ...
Economic Moderate
(56% permissive)
You are best described as a:
The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
I've noticed in recent years/months that my political leanings were tilting a little more to the left, at least in terms of care for the poor and voiceless in society, but I still considered myself conservative and more or less a Republican. The results of this little quiz were quite a surprise to me.
Of course, it is an online political quiz run by a
dating site, how accurate can it be? Not very, I suspect. I think that means I can dismiss it outright.
Go take it and see for your self.
I think more disturbing than being called a liberal and a democrat was seeing my target smack dab in line with Adam Sandler.
Link from
Interesting test. I took it, and it tells me I'm a Socialist, my marker is right on top of Hillary Clinton (classic!).
Hey, at least you aren't Darth Vader! (Of course, we all know that's Dick Cheney in the helmet)
You shouldn't be concerned. This just means you're starting to think deeply about political issues. :)
OK, I have managed to take a simple joke and silly test and turn it into a colossal waste of time, and break it in the process.
My little target circle is supposed to be right smack on Adam Sandler's mug. Why it's way over to the right probably has to do with the 'float:right' for IMG tags in my CSS.
This is what I get for trying to be clever. :-P
Hmmm ... okay, so now the burniating question is, which of the two of us aligns closer to the Anti-Christ?
You're in the same quadrant, but I'm not sure the way I like how I line up!
Dean - Based on the B4G post, you're on Bush's chin, I'm on Sandler's, so I'm closer to the Anti-Christ. Oh, goody.
Dean, if you pop back in (or anyone who knows), how do I tell the browser to ignore the 'float:right' command for these particular IMG tags? I want my target back there on the 'Libertarian' line where it belongs!
Ha! I beat the CSS at it's own game. I just added in a [/div] before the table and a [div class="blogbody"] after it.
Take that, CSS!
I need a life.
I'll tell ya, I just resized and re-located the graphics to my server - loads faster for everyone and I could put the sukka's where I want them.
That said, one way to clear a float (and if you shoot your foot of, it's you're owned daggoned fault) ...
[div style="clear: both;"]
or in your case, more likely to be
[div style="clear: right;"]
As for anti-Christ ... I noticed Richard Hall was actually closer than the both of us ... hmmmmmmmm ..
Social Liberal
(63% permissive)
Economic Moderate
(43% permissive)
But I'm a registered Republican. Ok, maybe not a very good Republican, but...
Don't you guys mean Anarchist, as in anarchy, which is what the graph says?
Well, of course, the anti-christ would likely be an Anarchist, so, really, we are right after all. No, really, that's what I was thinking. Honest.
Par for the course on this post.
Virusdoc ... quit spoiling our fun!
Social Moderate: 43% permissive
Economic Liberal: 18% permissive
We're opposite Salgoud?
I'm smack on the left side of Gorbochovs (sp?) face.
See you in a couple of days.
I had to go take it again. Now I'm between Sandler and Trump (not a pleasant place either) right on the line between Centrist and Libertarian.
That's better (and it hould make Mom happier too.) :-)Maria took it too. She's right above Kerry on Trump's tie:
and an ...
Economic Moderate
(56% permissive)
You are best described as a:
I am right where I thought I should be...
Social Liberal
Economic Moderate
Best described as a CENTRIST (You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.)
I am a registered Libertarian so it fits right on I think...