Well, it's done. I thought by doing a clean install, following the great instructions at Learning Movable Type, that everything would be reset. I guess I was wrong. I'd kinda like a fresh start on my templates, so I'm going to dig into that a little more. Expect more changes to come.
You'll also notice that there's no more Secret Code. MT 3.2 has some more advanced anti-spam techniques that I hope will mean I don't need that anymore. We'll see.
Also, the formatting buttons are temporarily gone too. I hope to have a better version after a bit. I might put the old ones back up temporarily.
Happy Birthday! My wife just shouted to send an email as it was your birthday and I said I was doing it all ready. She asked, with some amazement, "you remembered it was his birthday?" And, of course I had to say no that it was on your website. My glee at looking like I remembered something before her lasted but a moment:) Happy Birthday!
P.S. - Website looks good.