Blogwalking: March 24, 2007

Trying to clean out my RSS reader and give you some things to read ...

  • Keith Brenton puts some old school CoC rants in perspective in Call Me Contrary.
  • Gary Petersen links to this Instapundit post on Al Gore's hypocrisy. I gotta give Al props for preaching what he believes in. He's doing all he can to get that message out. I'm more convinced than before that he has a point. That said, calling average people to change but then polluting more than they do and being unwilling to change yourself makes it harder to buy what you're selling.
  • Jeff (or is it Danny? I can't keep up.) at Nothing Important takes on the issue as well, comparing Al with W in terms of a 'green home'.
  • Soup began Lent with this scripture from Joel 2 that moved my heart at the time:
    Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; rend your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.
    I needed to hear that.
  • Wade Hodges and Greg Taylor share in Christianity Today about their work in transforming a one mega-church into a community focused church. I can relate a little to their struggle to see their church envision a new way to be.
  • Milton Stanley, in his new blog Milton's Daily Dose, takes on 3 whoppers: Premillennialism or amillennialism, Predestination or free will and faith and works. Best quote from these soundbite sized posts is from the premil-amil post:"Who cares. Let's stop arguing over which doctrinal position employs the Official Decoder Ring for the book of Revelation."
That's all for now.


Just skimming your post. There is another side of that Al Gore coin you should look at. From what I've heard he isn't as hypocritical as some demand that we believe. And Sen. Inhofe is no saint.


First, I'll be honest and say I didn't watch those 2 videos. I did read the article linked at the first one, however, about how Gore now drives a hybrid SUV and buys his energy from 'green' sources at a higher price and buys carbon credits or whatever they're called.

Good for him, but that's not the point, as far as I'm concerned. He's gone out there and called all Americans to change to cut green house gasses, yet he's doing little 'changing' himself. Buying credits doesn't count. I don't know about you, but I've got no extra money around for credits or pricier 'green' energy. If I'm going to make a change, it's going to be in getting my family of 5 into a smaller car (something I'm considering for our next family hauler), turning down the thermostat, etc. Buying your way green does nothing to boost the morale of folks who want to believe what he's selling and make a difference but face difficult choices.

Buying credits is taking advantage of other's being extra green so you don't have to actually change. It's a cop out and an insult to the average Americans he's calling to sacrifice for the planet. I'm inclined to believe that he's got a point on this, something I wouldn't have said a couple of years ago. But his actions show that he's certainly not the passionate believer I thought he was.

Thanks for the kind words about Milton's Daily Dose.

I hope you don't mind, but I've added salguod to the Churches of Christ weblogs page at . Your new posts should begin appearing on the groups page within 24 hours or your next update. Peace.

Milton - I don't mind at all, thanks for considering me.

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  • Milton - I don't mind at all, thanks for considering me....

  • Thanks for the kind words about Milton's Daily Dose. I hope you don't mind, but I've added salguod to the Churches of Christ weblogs page at . Your new posts should begin...

  • Thomas, First, I'll be honest and say I didn't watch those 2 videos. I did read the article linked at the first one, however, about how Gore now drives a hybrid SUV and buys his energy from 'green' sources at a higher ...

  • Just skimming your post. There is another side of that Al Gore coin you should look at. From what I've heard he isn't as hypocritical as some demand that we believe. And Sen. Inhofe is no saint. ...
