Eight Year Old Logic

While the girls were at camp last week, Maria bought each of them 2 disposable cameras to use during the week. They all loved the idea.

At camp, Jessica pretty much forgot about them, Emily burned through hers quickly (and got a third from Mom) and Audrey snapped away during the various activities.

Then, with both cameras, she threw them away.

"I thought I was supposed to, you said they're disposable!" she protested.

Hard to argue with that ...

The mental picture of her glibly snapping pictures (In my mind she's skipping too. If you knew Audrey, you'd understand) and then casually tossing the camera still makes me laugh.


Too good. I love that and hope that she wasn't disappointed when she was told.

Oh, THAT is precious!!!

You've obviously done well teaching the logic of life, Doug.

If for no other reason, the Lord created blogs so that we could share stories like that with the entire WWW.

Since posting this, one of the cameras has turned up among her camp things.

That too is classic Audrey, she had forgotten that she hadn't thrown both away.

That girl just makes me grin.

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  • Since posting this, one of the cameras has turned up among her camp things. That too is classic Audrey, she had forgotten that she hadn't thrown both away. That girl just makes me grin....

  • That makes us laugh too!...

  • just classic....

  • Oh, THAT is precious!!! You've obviously done well teaching the logic of life, Doug. If for no other reason, the Lord created blogs so that we could share stories like that with the entire WWW....

  • Too good. I love that and hope that she wasn't disappointed when she was told. ...
