Why Does Christ Come?

Does Christ come merely to improve our existence in Adam or to end it, sweeping us into his new creation? Is Christianity all about spiritual and moral makeovers or about death and resurrection — radical judgment and radical grace? Is the Word of God a resource for what we have already decided we want and need, or is it God's living and active criticism of our religion, morality, and pious experience? In other words, is the Bible God's story, centering on Christ's redeeming work, that rewrites our stories, or is it something we use to make our stories a little more exciting and interesting?
Michael Horton from his book Christless Christianity

From It's Not About Improvement at Jared's relentlessly gospel centered blog, The Gospel Driven Church. Go. Read. Be challenged.

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1 Comment

The title today from Billy Graham's column is:

"Jesus was sent to earth to die for us"

While some may understand that (i.e. Christians) I think that a better title would have been:

"Jesus was sent to earth to give us new life" or (as the quote says) "rewrite our stories"

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  • The title today from Billy Graham's column is: "Jesus was sent to earth to die for us" While some may understand that (i.e. Christians) I think that a better title would have been: "Jesus was sent to earth to give us ...
