The Gospel In Glass and Grout

Gospel Plate

last week our church had our annual Christmas party and for the first time our arts ministry had a small gallery of pieces on the one word theme "Hallelujah". It was simply amazing. Not just because we have talented people in our church (we do), but because of how those pieces communicated what God has done for us and for them personally.

One of the most moving pieces was this simple plate made by Paige Dietrich, one of our campus students. Here's what she said about it:

"Gods Glory is Man Fully Alive"

When thinking about the word Hallelujah the first thing that came to mind was Gods glory in Adam and Eve when they were first created perfectly in His image. I put the mirror in the middle of the piece to show how we too can be like Adam and Eve in all the glory God intended. When you first see the mirror you see it as broken but with the death of Jesus (the seven black pieces around the mirror) and his blood (the red pieces) it brings them together like the top half of the mirror and we can see ourselves as God sees us as holy and fully alive. The redwood trees and the sky line represent a few things where personally I see Gods glory.

We are broken, but through Jesus we are made whole and God that's how He sees us (though we still do not). What an amazingly succinct presentation of the gospel in a small circle.

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