An "Occasional Series" here at Inspired by Daniel at Alien Soil, I fire up Media Player on random and post the first 5 songs here.
Want to listen? Head over to my profile and look for the songs tagged #five4friday.
- Pomplamoose - Mrs Robinson from Tribute to Famous People
Pomplamoose is a fun band. I love her voice (I think the harmonies are all her too). I'm pretty sure Bill at Thinklngs turned me on to them. A fun version of a Simon & Garfunkel classic (This is from a covers disk.) This is available as a free downloaded from their MySpace page. - Big Brother and the Holding Company - Piece of My Heart from Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits
It's Janis Joplin singing perhaps her most famous song. What more needs to be said? Awesome stuff. - Sting - Fragile from Nothing Like the Sun
I like this Sting album, a departure from his Police years. This is an light, airy song. - Huffamoose - Mary from WCBE Vol. 2 - Where are my Headphones?
Huh, two 'amoose' bands. :-D Not the best song from the WCBE disks, pretty bleh. Even the singer seems kinda bored. - Kelly Clarkson - Gone from Breakaway
I tend to like Kelly Clarkson (am I loosing man points admitting that?), but I'd never heard this one. My wife bought the CD, this must be one of the 'other' tracks that didn't get airplay. Not a bad song though.
Your turn, fire up your MP3 player, put it on random and give me yours in the comments.