Have Gospel, Will Travel

Jared Wilson points out a fundamental difference between Christianity and other religions:

There are no compulsory pilgrimages in Christianity, no far-flung hoops to jump through. The pilgrimage has been made; God incarnated in man. He comes to us in Spirit.

Every religion beside the true one bids travel for power. In Christianity, power travels to us.
The kingdom is not "out there." It is "in here."
The temple is not "there." It's "here."
Christ tabernacles with us.
The gospel that goes into the world and grows and bears fruit goes into the world when we do.

We are on a constant pilgrimage, taking Christ to those who don't know him. That's by God's design. How should that change your daily life?

Go read the whole thing, it's not long, and if you trust in Jesus, it'll warm your heart. Oh, and if Jared isn't in your web routine, your feed reader or your Twitter follow list, repent now in sack cloth and ashes. :-D

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I like that image of a constant pilgrimage Doug.

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