Jared Wilson talks about how the expanse of the Gospel is far bigger than anything we know, bigger than our traditions and expectations. It bursts forth, requiring us to change our ways of thinking and our expectatuions.
And it's founded, at least in part, on the joy of 'God with us'. The disciples had no reason to fast, for Jesus was with them (Mar 2:18-22), and He is with us too so, as Jared says, "those united to Christ are not to be typefied by grief but by joy". Indeed:
When we have this deep joy, we navigate seasons of suffering and brokenness with both the firmness of faith and the flexibility of it. We are able to confidently say, "This day" -- with all its troubles -- "is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24) Because we know that the joy is so deep, it will buoy our souls for all eternity.
It's a great post, go read the whole thing.